By damnedbydurberg - 22/11/2011 00:35 - United States

Today, after years of torment and relentless harassment, I finally built up the courage to stand up to a bully. I got a detention for swearing at him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 846
You deserved it 3 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments


It doesn't matter. Be glad you had the courage to stand up at all. Sometimes in life we do the right thing but the outcome appears to be the opposite of what we wanted. In truth we have learned valuable skills we can use for the rest of our lives.

joshjosh04 4

This is sad when one person gangs up on someone just too hurt someone else This reminds me of a time when my friend was gitting bullied so much he started to go suisidle, that's when I told him this is enough were taking care of u're little problem so we whent and started a fight and beat his bully and that Was the end of his problem now he's not suisidle any more and he's not being bullied anymore.

AdrianEC 15

Man, FYL. I hate it when people in school decide to be dicks. In June, the vice principal decided to suspend a friend because he cussed, and he was venting on issues in his life. And the two bitches that told on him made the situation worse than it seemed. That was a crappy way to end 8th grade...

neonsugarXx 0

That was brave :3 I hope you're ok.. Bullying is serious.... Be strong OP! x3

sarahsuperstario 8

Detention is a small price to pay for your braveness. Congrats(:

SlickWillyTFCF 5

Detention isn't the end of the world. Take your lumps and be proud you stood up for yourself.

marzipanimal 15

Very worth it. I told about bullying so much when it happened to me. U know what happened?. I got punished for being a tattle tale. Then the chick still was a jerk. The teachers all knew but never did anything, but then they make a big deal when it was one of the teachers kids. U know what I did?. It was me and all my friends and she's like omg looooook it's her!. I turned around, popped her in the mouth knocking her over and all the guys got scared and ran. Ha:3 Then I got suspended for 'physical abuse' ALL WORTH IT.