By monogamyisalie - 23/07/2015 17:29 - United States

Today, an attractive man hit on me for the first time since I ended my 3-year relationship with my cheating ex. Then the man told me he'd just gotten out of prison last week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 042
You deserved it 2 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ramos808 29

I think you should ask him what he did before you judge too quickly! It may be something petty


butterfingers583 21

At least he hit on you, it still counts.

TheGamingNirvana 18

Jail and Prison are two very different things, m8.

in case you couldn't tell, 15 was making a joke.....

Well, he was upfront with you. Just because someone was in prison doesn't mean they aren't trying to change their life for the better. Don't judge someone by their past, judge them by their present.

LadyLuck93 20

At least he was straight forward about it.

I would just get to know him a little better until you could ask him what it was for

Was it his tattoos and mean look that you found attractive? lol

No it was the shank he kept in his back pocket for people who make jokes about his tattoos and said "lol".

Yeah next thing she could just be getting hit.

Just because he was in prison doesn't make him a bad person. Give him a chance, at least he was honest with you about it.