By monogamyisalie - 23/07/2015 17:29 - United States

Today, an attractive man hit on me for the first time since I ended my 3-year relationship with my cheating ex. Then the man told me he'd just gotten out of prison last week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 042
You deserved it 2 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ramos808 29

I think you should ask him what he did before you judge too quickly! It may be something petty


CaroAurelia 12

I mean, I might be a little wary of a newly released ex-con, but there are people who go to prison for being scumbags and possibly violent ones who do horrible things, and there are people who go to prison for stupid mistakes that they've learned from. The second one's not too bad.

Axel5238 29

Normally one doesn't go to prison for a stupid mistake. Yes some learn and some change though that doesn't happen often and a mistake doesn't usually mean you have a prison sentence especially if it's a fair amount of time for one time thing. It's usually because, they a a pretty sizable criminal record and ether or not they've changed is a potentially a big gamble.

We all have our faults. At least this guy is honest and upfront about doing time. There are a lot of good comments above, but remember, out of everyone here, only YOU have the best feel for the situation and only you can decide what is best for you. If, even with his past, he still seems like a decent guy, he may be worth a chance- or not. If something about him makes you uncomfortable, then it may be best to carry on. For now, don't rush! Make the best of your new solo status and do something nice for yourself. Best of luck!

Look at it this way, if he wanted to do you harm he wouldnt have told you that. His intentions are good. Give him a chance? We all deserve a second chance no matter what he did :)

Take it as a compliment, you're jailbait.

jgiles09 17

Least he was honest how many other men would have admitted that!?

GO FOR THE PRISON DUDE GURL. Don't make yourself look like a fool going to an ex.

How long was he there, what for, what does he plan on doing now he's out, is he trying to put it behind him? It's really hard coming out of prison to nothing/not a lot, little official support and often hard to get a job. If he wants to make a change in his life and put it behind him, I'd go for it

doodlebug13 15

Don't be so quick to judge. Ask him what he was in prison for. You may have just lost your "one" because you judged him for being in prison.