By twitch01 - 09/08/2009 07:31 - United States

Today, as a joke, my friends and I decided to put me in a dress and makeup, to creep out a friend. I'm a guy. I'm not sure which is worse, the fact that I so willingly volunteered to wear the dress and the makeup, or the fact that I thought it was comfy and made me look slim. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 772
You deserved it 54 386

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i never understood why girls could wear guys' clothes but guys couldn't wear girls' clothes

I once had to cross dress as part of a play. I felt so comfy in the dress. XD Most guys just won't understand.


That's cute, LOL. Don't feel bad, you're awesome (:

Not that getting into a dress is a normal thing really, but it's no secret that they're very comfortable. Why do you think women are always wearing them.

You do know that most transvestites are straight? Nothing about crossdressing is gay, try being a little less ignorant and open your mind a bit.

echarperouge 0

Welcome to the other side. We're way more fun ;D

theoldGP 0

and why should this/why does this matter? anyways, good FML haha. but don't listen to anyone that is judging your sexuality from this. only one thing is gay: liking boys if you are a boy.

I dunno, I heard that girls being into girls is pretty gay, too....

if girls can wear pants guys can wear dresses.