By burnt38392 - 24/12/2010 19:36 - United States

Today, as a means of getting over my abusive ex, I decided to write his name on a piece of paper and light it on fire. As I lit the paper up, I noticed the marker ink had bled through it. The paper is gone, but his name is forever engraved on my desk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 513
You deserved it 19 564

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sandpaper will remove it, then use some touch up varnish to make the sanded patch blend in with the rest of the desk. Congrats on getting rid of an abusive ex, though!

yea! now you get to torch a desk. bigger is better


Better not let your other boyfriends see that

Seriously, what a stupid way of coping...

I bet if u hit urself on the desk by accident, u'll be reminded of him even more. Lol

marisadc79 0

I feel for you, I went through a situation with an abusive ex husband too. Lots of therapy, pills and PTSD later I'm still messed up. Hope things work out better for you. Get the support you need it's vital. Don't make the mistake I did and let a doctor convince you polls will make it all go away, it doesn't, you just get very tired and unhappy.

marisadc79 0

I meant pills not polls, sorry, ran out of time to edit

marisadc79 0

Oh and to any who say you deserved it thumbs down and hang your heads in shame! Do you know what domestic abuse is like and no oh you could have just left lines. NO you can't, it's never that easy. Have a little respect and compassion geez.

Write with an expo marker over it and clean it off

zach_jz 1

Color over it with expo marker then take alcohol and scrub it. Should come off.......

laurens123 6