By sabz21 - 27/01/2014 04:37 - United States - Naugatuck

Today, as a priest's helper in church, I was giving Communion. It took me three people to realize that every time I was giving them the Eucharist, I was saying, "May the force be with you". FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 144
You deserved it 14 281

Same thing different taste

Top comments

olpally 32

That's freaking awesome! Strong with the force you are! Hahaha :)


I lol'd. I'd go to your church in a heart beat!

valentinov 15

Lol! That's amazing! The best FML this year! Man, you rock! Clouded your judgement may be, but strong in you the Force is.

Lol at least you didn't realise during the last three people but the first three!!

Oh wow is your name Cory by chance ?

A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke... In those days, a decree went out from Emperor Palpatine that a census be taken of the entire imperial galaxy. So Obi Wan went up from the wilderness to a town of Tatooine named Mos Eisley, he went there to register with Luke who was pledged to be his apprentice... The Gospel of the Force.

oodnanref 13

I cannot vote whether YDI, or YLS, because in my eyes this is definitely a win, not an FML.