By unemployed - 10/03/2009 02:00 - United States

Today, as I was bagging groceries, I looked down to see a 6-year-old urinating on my shoes and the floor next to me. I told his mother that he should take her kid to the restroom, only to be told to "mind my own goddamn business." I was later fired for arguing with the customer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 155 883
You deserved it 7 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Take them to court. I'm sure a jury can see the logic and misjustice in firing someone for not wanting piss on their shoes.

I am from Europe and I keep reading about crazy FML stories of people getting fired because of stupid customers. Is this quite common in America? Is the customer really always right regardless of what happens??? I am quite shocked. Many time have I told customers to f-off, with the support of my managers, simply because we get paid doesn't mean we're prostitutes who can get peed on - with a smile -


Lol repeat FML ftl. EVERYONE PUT YDI FOR THIS LYING MOFO. If this were real though, I recommend buying a kitchen knife, storing it in your car. Stalk the mother and son home and scare the shit out of the mom (not the kid though poor thing). Find out where your boss lives (should be much easier since he works at a store). Kill his ass. HAHAHAHAH wow that would be an interesting scenario. This is what happens when I procrastinate for my exams.

screwlife23 0

I'm sorry but I would have back handed the mother and told her to potty train her freaking kid and clean up that piss.

Holy ******* shit that sucks. Kindness and Chivalry are so dead. From now on I'm turning into a raging god damned prick douchebag asshole. That way, at least when I get what's coming to me, I'll ******* deserve it. Jeezus god damned ******* christ on a ritz cracker.

@92 i dont wanna be rude but i was reading comments and this one was very rude! please, there are many Christians who dont wanna see you firstly saying God's name in vain, It is a precious Holy name, It doesn't deserve to be shot down ike that it really offends me and hurts me alot more than you can imagine. Also, if you are going to spell His name, at least capitalize the first letter in God and Christ and thank you for capitalizing Jeezus but that is God's ONLY begotten son please spell a Holy, precious, perfect, amazing name like that right treat it with respect Jesus is your saviour and He didn't die on the cross for us the people who clearly didn't deserve it the way we treat Him so you could do that to Him and His Father. please don't say anything rude to me because i said this since you said you're going to be rude i don't mean to make you mad i want to be as respectful as possible so yea

Grenades101 0

God is the torah

Technically speaking, 'God' refers to the christian god, and 'god' non-capitalized can mean any god. He could have been referring to Zeus for all you know. And quite frankly, this is the internet. A good chunk of internet users think your 'religion' is a bunch of organized crazy people that believe what some mentally ill people wrote down a couple thousand years ago. You're lucky we tolerate your ignorance, stop trying to force it on others. So, if you can't handle a little blasphemy, GTFO.

Lol well Only in America........that's all I am going to say

you were obviously fired for referring to the mother as a he :P

barbie333 0

#6 ... that's awesome...I think I'll go to europe(:

jecarper 4

I wouldn't care if I was at work or not... Some kid EVER pisses on me, I'm beating their ass, like their parents should of... Smdh.