By Nell - 30/06/2011 21:10 - United States

Today, as I was going to bed, I spotted a man staring at my window from a neighbor's yard. Ten minutes later, he was still there. I freaked out, started crying, and contemplated calling the cops. My creeper turned out to be the neighbor's wooden lawn ornament. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 457
You deserved it 37 397

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iluvevil01 11

you could tell it wasn't real when it didn't move?

Beebow_fml 5

Run over there and kick it over.


left4ded113 0

lol that's also a fail cause obviously you're too ugly to stalk. FYL.

how the jell do u k ow what she looks like?

iLikeGirlsFeet 0

Nothing says welcome to my house like a creepy lawn figure

PandaPandy 6

Haha did it blow you a kiss too? LOL

BooGhosted 0

That is creepy i'm listening to that song...

hateevryone 14

looks like someone needs their eyes examined. ;)

skyeyez9 24

Did it have a pointy red hat?

lilkamarciano 0

hahahahahhahaha omg no joke I've done that before I can totally relate it's so scary.... and at night ya dark and Looks real u can't tell what it is !