By Nell - 30/06/2011 21:10 - United States

Today, as I was going to bed, I spotted a man staring at my window from a neighbor's yard. Ten minutes later, he was still there. I freaked out, started crying, and contemplated calling the cops. My creeper turned out to be the neighbor's wooden lawn ornament. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 457
You deserved it 37 397

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iluvevil01 11

you could tell it wasn't real when it didn't move?

Beebow_fml 5

Run over there and kick it over.


it would have been funnier if you called the cops &.they had to put that in their police log

Why is her neighbors lawn ornament facing her window?

You fell for my disguise! My fellow garden gnomes and I shall stalk you for eternity! Muahahaha! *evil grin*

snakey2010 0

Look on the bright side, at least you didn't call the cops.

jman2324 0

don't worry I've done something similar I was so tired that I thought someone was staring at me through the next door neighbors window... turned out to be a shadow on the corner of couch.. (facepalm)