By Nell - 30/06/2011 21:10 - United States

Today, as I was going to bed, I spotted a man staring at my window from a neighbor's yard. Ten minutes later, he was still there. I freaked out, started crying, and contemplated calling the cops. My creeper turned out to be the neighbor's wooden lawn ornament. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 457
You deserved it 37 397

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iluvevil01 11

you could tell it wasn't real when it didn't move?

Beebow_fml 5

Run over there and kick it over.


carnage1108 0

obviously a woman because a man has never reacted to anything in that manner

I'm not on roids u stupid ****. why does everyone assume, when someone goes in a gym and works their ass off and gets results, that they are on steroids? I'm 6'1" and I weigh 215 lbs. if I were on steroids is be a lot bigger.

by the way. read my profile. I'm a fireman, would you want sone skinny little prick dragging your ass out of a burning building? no. and get a very thorough drug test once a month. soooooo FACE!