By scared-straight - 27/05/2013 04:05 - United States

Today, as I was lying on my bed with one of my arms hanging from the side, I felt something sniff my hand from underneath. I don't have any pets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 696
You deserved it 4 392

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, what was it!? You can't just leave us hanging!

You either have a ghost of a decease animal or you have a weird burglar.


do you believe it was a beavecoon head of a beaver body of a racoon?

Sounds like it's time to set some traps. Oh, and keep in mind that there's monsters under your bed. Sometimes they invite me over too.

ohmygod that's one of my biggest fears, fyl :(

My childhood fears happened to you!

I know this comment is a bit late but, don't you know you never ever ever let anything hang off the edge of a bed? That's just not safe!! That's where clowns live.

I know that feeling just keep a baseball bat under your pillow if it felt slightly human leave that house and call the cops