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By Anonymous - 29/12/2009 05:11 - United States

Today, I woke up from a nap and thought I felt somebody's arm in my bed. I frantically start hitting it and start screaming. I soon realized it was my own arm. I'd fallen asleep on it, and it was completely numb, I couldn't feel a thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 409
You deserved it 11 945

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you're lucky your arm didn't fall asleep during the day,or else it'd be up all night.

krivedko 0

don't be so boring!! this story is much better than all that whiny shit posted by losers and nerds!


not a hope anyone could possibly be that stupid

actually that's pretty common. My mum said once when she was younger she woke up and saw this hand beside her face and since she couldn't feel it she totally freaked out, thinking it was another person... then realised it was her own hand that had gone dead. I've heard of a lot of people who've freaked out before they've realised the arm/hand beside them is their own (because it's gone dead and they haven't been able to feel it).

the screaming and hitting part is a bit over the top though, ya obviously everyone wakes up with that happening every so often but no one totally freaks........u come to the conclusion straight away that its your own hand!!

I don't care but this is is some funny shit man. I laughed out loud. Thanks for the laugh.

You've obviously never fallen asleep on your arm. This happened to me once and when I woke up only my numb hand was touching my face. I didn't scream, but I gasped and sat up really fast and then felt my arm dangling and realized that there wasn't some strange person in my bed. Thankfully. It's a seriously scary feeling.

borabora1991 0

Thank you, OP. The mental images you just gave me were absolutely hilarious. I literally "lol'd". Thanks. :)

liveBabylon 0

Maybe somethings wrong with me but when I see a hand in the morning I take a minute before hitting it...It may be a friend, family.... Come one guys panicking only makes things worse. >_< YDI

I woke up once with my dead arm draped over me, and I threw it at the wall with my other hand. It's freaky to wake up with a strange arm on top of you...

yea my arm went completely numb after i slept on it but i woke up (cus i go into an extremely deep sleep) and i thought my arm was missing bc i couldn't feel it lol unfortunately for me i had had a nightmare so when i woke up i really thought my arm was gone lol

you're retarded, whether your arm/hand is dead, you would still recognize it as your own. hence "I know this town like the back of my hand"

NikkiRainbow63 31

I haven't hit myself like OP has, but I feel the need to defend myself when I wake up and see something that freaks me out, even just for a second. I've accidentally punched my mom in the face because she scared me when she woke me up...

and how is this a FML? Everyone does stupid things sometimes but if you think this is a FML you have an easy life.

negative_creep 0

Have you *seen* the moderation queue? Most can't even spell to save their life and I find myself saying yes to the ones that are at lest complete sentences.

^^^ Funny how you failed to correctly spell the word "least".

you're lucky your arm didn't fall asleep during the day,or else it'd be up all night.

Veritas143 0

That reminds me of the show "Life" the main guy said something like that.. thank you.

We have all been there. The numb arm bit, not the hitting yourself part...

"i slept on my arm. FML" how did this get accepted ?

Numb arm, yes. But no one gets a numb limb to the point of forgetting that it's their arm.

krivedko 0

don't be so boring!! this story is much better than all that whiny shit posted by losers and nerds!

namhowell 6

How is this a FML? How do the majority vote FML for this is beyond me.