By scared-straight - 27/05/2013 04:05 - United States

Today, as I was lying on my bed with one of my arms hanging from the side, I felt something sniff my hand from underneath. I don't have any pets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 696
You deserved it 4 392

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, what was it!? You can't just leave us hanging!

You either have a ghost of a decease animal or you have a weird burglar.


that reminds me of that creepy story about a murderous clown under the bed licking your hand

icepick23 12
secret_ninja_gal 12

that is the scariest thing ever.

*sing song voice* Somebody's got a stalker~~~~!

maybe it's Taylor swift. she's after everyone nowadays

Mic0lynn 6

Possibly your range of pets is limited.

Thinking about it, couldn't you tell how big whatever it was by how long it took for each sniff? An example being a rat would have a lighter and quicker sniff as in turn a cats would be a little slower and heavier?