By scared-straight - 27/05/2013 04:05 - United States

Today, as I was lying on my bed with one of my arms hanging from the side, I felt something sniff my hand from underneath. I don't have any pets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 702
You deserved it 4 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, what was it!? You can't just leave us hanging!

You either have a ghost of a decease animal or you have a weird burglar.


Life_sucks_13 6

That you know of. Live with someone else? They coulda bought it.

Something under the bed is drooling...

that awkward moment when you write a FML about it instead of looking under the bed with a cell phone and 911 on speed dial...

BriannaMGK 15

It's more than likely a rat, which is really gross!

Oh come on, I just got over my fear of monsters under beds!

op you stink. If shit can smell you that aint even there its time to bathe your dirty ass.

lorraineald 7

"People can lick hands too..." ^ Creepiest urban legend ever. I'd really look into that hand sniffer of yours.