By Labro9 - 23/10/2016 08:20

Today, as I was transcribing my manager's recorded orated memo, I heard an unmistakable grunt and splash of an impromptu "bathroom deposit." It seems like my manager is maximizing his time like never before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 547
You deserved it 675

Same thing different taste


Oh, the joys of being a transcriptionist--having to deal all sorts of weird background noises. I hear zipping noises I can only pray is him opening or closing his knapsack, loud music, and when he travels, the howl of airplane engines that almost obliterate his voice. Is it possible for you to mention that the recording picks up background noises and he may want to take that into consideration when dictating? It probably won't do any good, but it's worth a try.