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By Anonymous - 01/10/2011 02:01 - United States

Today, as I was walking home from school with my guy friends, my dad pulled up by the sidewalk, offered me a handful of dollar bills and said, "Get in, baby." Only after we drove away and he started laughing did I realize I'll probably never hear the end of this at school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 330
You deserved it 6 844

Same thing different taste


mzimaginarium 1

Your dad found a funny way to keep you away from guys. Kudos to him.

winnn_fml 0

He was giving you on the job training I think

lovebarbie 0

Lol that's so funny but I would be embarrassed

KiddNYC1O 20

Way to reel you away from the horny pact.

sarcasmroks 4

I wish I had perverted talking ads :(