By Anonymous - 01/10/2011 02:01 - United States

Today, as I was walking home from school with my guy friends, my dad pulled up by the sidewalk, offered me a handful of dollar bills and said, "Get in, baby." Only after we drove away and he started laughing did I realize I'll probably never hear the end of this at school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 328
You deserved it 6 844

Same thing different taste


Does Wayne Brady have to choke a b#tch?

Joshoa123 16

Later that week.. "Today, I went to pick up my daughter from school by offering her money to get in the car. I asked the wrong kid. FML"

gitarex 4

Haha ur dad is funny as ****!!

Your dad is a creep. It would be funny if it were anyone BUT your dad. I'm way grossed out right now.

arioch_fml 20

If it's anyone other than her dad, or a family member than she's a prostitute, and wouldn't be able to convince people that she isn't.

clue_me_in 20

Nice sense of humor. Glad that you can take a joke.

19-are u a ******* idiot. the guy was her dad, and he was playing a joke on her! a funny one at that! I'm sure your friends have good senses of humor! :)

OMG your dad's a ******* parenting genius!

U didn´t ask him why he offered u money?