By gimmeasalad - 21/04/2012 06:01 - United States - Walnut Creek

Today, as I was washing my boyfriend's fishbowl, the fish did a Nemo and made an unholy leap down the drain. My immediate impulse was to flip the switch. Our kitchen now smells like mutilated fish and my boyfriend won't speak to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 145
You deserved it 36 895

Same thing different taste


cheetahbaby96 8

How does your first become oh! Let's flip the switch! ?

SignUpisntcool 3

She needs to be glad she didn't think right after that, "oh I have to get the fish" and stick her hand down there.

If your fish only has a bowl, then your probably not the most advanced fish owner. Most fish, especially goldfish need a filtered tank because goldfish are extremely dirty fish. The best fish I can think of to put in a bowl is a betta fish because they breathe at the surface of the water, meaning that they don't need air in their water. And if I were your boyfriend, I wouldn't bd talking to you either.

Is it sad that your comment made my laugh and help me smile since yesterday my boss accidentally dropped hot oil on my arm.

Your boyfriend has a fish!!! Lmfao!!!!!

*had* a fish... Now for tonight's delicacy: sushi, *whipped* up by OP

Now how in the hell am I going to explain to my 2 year old that there will not be a Finding Nemo 2?

deliriousbasil 0

Sequels suck. Especially when Disney and Pixar is the subject.

linkinpark98 23

The Lion King sequel was pretty good. :P

yusaku02 20

Your impulse... was the flip the switch... HOW???

There's more fish in the sea/petstore...

deliriousbasil 0

Reminds me of Deuce Bigalow, no kidding! But there weren't any fish harmed during the movie... Maybe you guys should have some fine sushi for dinner?