By gimmeasalad - 21/04/2012 06:01 - United States - Walnut Creek

Today, as I was washing my boyfriend's fishbowl, the fish did a Nemo and made an unholy leap down the drain. My immediate impulse was to flip the switch. Our kitchen now smells like mutilated fish and my boyfriend won't speak to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 145
You deserved it 36 895

Same thing different taste


So you mutilated his pet. Which Disney movie is that?

fuckmebutdontfml 16

why was your immidiate response to flip the switch? poor nemo isn't getting to marlin and dori now :(

Who the hell immediately decides to turn the garbage disposal on when they know there's a living thing down there? I'm sure glad I'm not married to the OP, daaaaayum.

Spottedfeather 7

No. They've just watched any random episode of the Simpsons in the last 12 years.

Chacon93 1

How I read the story, "Today I decided to murder my boyfriend's pet fish. So I threw him in the disposal and turned it on. And I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for the smell of mutilated fish. FML" Lmfao xD

monkiki62 5

Um that's why you put the fish in a separate container while u clean the bowl. Duh op.


Your boyfriend is a fish!? You should have gotten him a tank, they are a lot more roomier than fishbowls.

bizarre_ftw 21

Now a dead fish and an angry bf is understandably bad, but I think the real issue here is that your first instinct was to murder in the most sadistic way possible, I'm no doctor but I don't think that's a Good thing