By gimmeasalad - 21/04/2012 06:01 - United States - Walnut Creek

Today, as I was washing my boyfriend's fishbowl, the fish did a Nemo and made an unholy leap down the drain. My immediate impulse was to flip the switch. Our kitchen now smells like mutilated fish and my boyfriend won't speak to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 145
You deserved it 36 895

Same thing different taste


Twisted_Angel 17

Okay, now what kind of idiot cleans the fish bowl with the fish still in it? ever hear of taking it out and setting it's temporary home in a safe place? You deserve it. Poor fish. Smh, some people's kids.

Look over your shoulder everywhere you go. PETA hates you now and will do everything in their power to get revenge for ze didanemo feesh.

Why would you flip on the switch? That was a dumb move! Who automatically flips on the garbage disposal? I hope he never speaks to you again! He should break up with you. YDI!!!

I prefer American Dad. Family Guy has been going down shit creek since... Two seasons ago?

Why the hell would your first instinct be to flick the switch? What a dumb pos..

isk8pro445 4

Wait why is it your first I'm pulse to turn on the garbage disposal when something is flying into your sink!?