By gimmeasalad - 21/04/2012 06:01 - United States - Walnut Creek

Today, as I was washing my boyfriend's fishbowl, the fish did a Nemo and made an unholy leap down the drain. My immediate impulse was to flip the switch. Our kitchen now smells like mutilated fish and my boyfriend won't speak to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 145
You deserved it 36 895

Same thing different taste


Open up some windows, get some Febreze, get him a new fish. Easy.

How the hell does she deserve it, it's not like she dumped the fish down the sink. And a fish would not have survived long enough in the pipes for a plumber to come get him out. The fish was doomed the second he decided to jump out of the bowl, OP just chose to end his suffering quickly.

If you take the OP at his/her word (the FML mentions a boyfriend, but I don't want to assume), it wasn't a choice. Make up your mind.

I am always so afraid of this happening when I clean my fishbowl!

skyeyez9 24

Buy a separate bowl to put your fish in while you clean the dirty one. I used to do that, until I bought a large fish tank.

I guess when he gets home he wont be finding his nemo...

I guess when he gets home he won't be finding nemo....

What would make u think it was a good idea to chop the *** out of it??