By gimmeasalad - 21/04/2012 06:01 - United States - Walnut Creek

Today, as I was washing my boyfriend's fishbowl, the fish did a Nemo and made an unholy leap down the drain. My immediate impulse was to flip the switch. Our kitchen now smells like mutilated fish and my boyfriend won't speak to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 145
You deserved it 36 895

Same thing different taste


Don't you mean he regrets touching the "butt"?

froggeh 4

wtf why was your reaction to flip the switch?

bubo_fml 10

'fish' out the bits from the drain, return them to the fish bowl & blame it on the cat...Problem solved!

citymayer 7

Why was your first reaction to flip the switch?

dtemple1110 6

Well yeah, I mean... maybe he was looking for his dad. I would be angry too.

Beranii 5

Wow your first impulse is to turn the disposal on? So your saying if you're wedding ring or something fell down there you'd flip the switch?

Shouldn't your first response be to shove your hand in there and get it out!?

KiddNYC1O 20

It's a trend with these fish committing suicide... Ask me about my betas in the past.