By cauteriseme - 01/01/2011 15:37 - United Kingdom

Today, as the clock struck twelve for the new year, I was in the bathroom having a nosebleed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 462
You deserved it 4 151

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Get out of the bathroom, you've been in there since last year!"


your life sucks, because you're dumb enough to think this is actually a big deal.

While I'm sure Catherine is composing a haiku praising your incredible grammar and spelling skills at this very moment, please keep your flirting to private messages. Alternately, you can always try your local strip club. I'm sure you'll have just as much success picking up a girl there as here. Best of luck.

ha when the clock striked 12 some hot guy in boxers knocked on the wrong hotel door. LOL

I have 3+ nosebleeds a day. You've got to learn to go with the flow. (pun intended) heh heh

haha well I was spreading peanut butter on a mouse trap at my friends house :)

ThatLooksSticky 16

"Having a nosebleed" is a wacky British euphemism for sex, right?