By cauteriseme - 01/01/2011 15:37 - United Kingdom

Today, as the clock struck twelve for the new year, I was in the bathroom having a nosebleed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 462
You deserved it 4 151

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Get out of the bathroom, you've been in there since last year!"


hate_my_mom 0

at least you had a nosebleed for two years

Blacksmokehick 0

suck it up you big whining ******.

Emmybearxo 0

Yeahh thass not a big deal lol? Srry though?

aenemadreamer 0

shouldn't have done so much cocaine OP

EvilDave 13

I was at home alone watching a movie because the woman I thought was my girlfriend is in jail waiting to go to prison for 2.5 years for violating her probation by leaving drug rehab, which she was sentenced to, and driving my car with a suspended license. She was in drug rehab for violation her probation by being out during her curfew, driving my car under the influence with a suspended license. She was on probation for driving her sort-of husband to a drug deal. I say sort of husband because they never filed the marriage license even though they had a religious ceremony. When she left rehab, she went to New Orleans and took him with her even though she was supposed to be my girlfriend. I feel so bad for you :-

suuuuurrrrraaaaa 0

get over yourself. my birthday is December 31st and i spent the whole day working while my boss and all of my coworkers are out partying it up. And did i mention it was my daughters first new year? you act like being in the bathroom at 12 is the end of the world.

budge10 0

wow i spent my last 2 new years with a broken nose and a horrible flu

dmcp1985 3

you're in the UK. what did you expect with that weather. crap place hate it

RoxxyHustle 7

boo frikkin hoo! When you're done bleedin from the face, get outta the bathroom, grab a glass of champagne and toast the new year. Your whole like isn't fked because you missed the exact moment 11:59:59 clicked over to the new year. STFU.