By cauteriseme - 01/01/2011 15:37 - United Kingdom

Today, as the clock struck twelve for the new year, I was in the bathroom having a nosebleed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 462
You deserved it 4 151

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Get out of the bathroom, you've been in there since last year!"


oh commmon shove a tampon in it! happy new years

ThatLooksSticky 16

Is that a wacky British euphemism for sex?

samantha_142 0

you should have taken a tissue and held it on your nose to watch the ball drop.

That sucks :( But.. Happy New Year (:

Forgot it was the New Year. I was playing Minecraft.

DiNoBeAr 0

once you start playing Minecraft, time creases to exsist

azshadilia 0

As the clock struck midnight here I was laying on my friends bathroom floor with a migraine!