By fml0505 - 09/05/2013 06:49 - United States

Today, as with every day, I had to endure my roommate talking to his wife in a baby voice. This is a grown man, who has had a beard since junior high, who literally talks to her like you would a puppy or a baby. Someone kill me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 897
You deserved it 7 754

fml0505 tells us more.

This is the OP! I live with a married couple because they are old friends of mine, the rent is cheap, and it helps them out with the bills as well. It's really not that bad, we get along really well. The baby talk just gets old when you hear it all the time ya know? I don't even think he realizes he's doing it at this point, and I don't want to get in the middle of their marriage. I'll just keep quiet, drown it out with manly music, and vent on FML! # 2 I will be long gone before they have a real baby. # 17 I am indeed very jealous of his beard. Also, they are not newly weds. And to clear things up, all three of us are roommates. He's not living with me instead of his wife like some of you thought. That is all.


maybe he's doing that to annoy you so you will move out? i'd suggest get a roommate who is not married. problem solved, but perhaps ask them if they have any weird habits, like talking like a baby.

Sounds like a nurse I work with, but she talks to all the patients and her coworkers like this too.

TiffGreen 11

Well... you're either roommates with a married couple or a married man... either way you should expect him to have little things he does only with his wife i.e. baby talk and sex. If its really bothering you it might be time to move out. Hope it gets better for you somehow OP.

Sounds like the Marshall,lily, and Ted situation to me haha, living with a married couple sounds awkward enough as is...I don't understand why they haven't moved out or why you haven't

oh my god. my brother in law does that to his girlfriend. it drives my up a wall because they will hold conversations. and she does it just to pissy me off.

Ttatiana17 2

But why is your roommate married tho?????

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Why are you living together?

why does a married couple have a room mate instead of living alone together? I understand the economic is tough but seriously

sweetgirl12 6

I had the same problem and it used to annoy me to the limits.. It was the only reason why my aim was to sleep before my roomie called her boyfriend :D