By kinzielee - 05/01/2016 17:41 - United States - Largo

Today, at 26, I got chicken pox. My parents stand by their belief that I got it because I'm not right with God, not because they didn't vaccinate me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 066
You deserved it 2 122

kinzielee tells us more.

OP here. Yes, my parents are religious. Orthodox Jews. I never thought anything about it, I'm from Central Europe. Things were not this standard. it was always just a "for religion exemption". Now that I understand what the hell is up, I have gotten all the shots I can get as an adult, my arse hurts, my arm hurts, my thigh hurts. But I don't have to worry about whooping cough and polio. So there is that. Also, Chicken Pod as an adult, I was told it could be much worse, I only have some scars. THANKFULLY!!!! :D

Top comments

Hopefully they're not those idiots that thinks vaccines cause autism or avoid them for stupid religious reasons.... but I wouldn't be surprised. Sounds pretty likely in this case tbh.

BelowAverageJoe 4

It's not chicken pox. It's leprosy. I know. I read the bible. I'm qualified to speak on medical matters.


The chicken pox vaccine actually became commercially available in 1984

My mom lied to me!!! I got the chicken pox twice!

In the US, the vaccine was available in 1995.

Um.. I'm sorry you have chicken pox and I'm sorry that your parents are blaming it on you not being right with god, but at 26 you've been in charge of your medical decisions for a good 8 years so it's not like you couldn't have gotten vaccinated on your own...

If no doctor told OP a chicken pox vaccine was available, they probably didn't know it was even an option. I'm 28 and had no idea until I had my son in the past year. Most people my age (in Canada) have never heard of it because it wasn't put on the schedule until 1995 and by then you aren't thinking vaccinations.

Chicken pox vaccine isn't entirely effective as people have been saying already, but I strongly believe parents who do not vaccinate their children against transmissible diseases should be PROSECUTED. It should be a law. They're putting other people at risk who cannot take the vaccines for legit reasons (note: religion is NOT an actual / reasonable / sane reason).

Certain vaccines are required by law while others are still technically optional. I say "technically" because while you still have, by law, the option, but a lot of schools, especially public schools, require your child to be vaccinated from everything. They have to have full medical records on that, and if you don't have it/won't give it to them, then they can refuse your child from attending.

You're 26. Time to pursue your own vaccinations.

Chicken pox vaccine is given to small children. He would've been a minor and under his parents' care then.

Older kids and adults can get the vaccine, too. They just need a booster if they're over (I believe) 13.

Nice to see people finally leaning away from religion and accepting science

Sadly there are still many idiots out there, in the US and elsewhere in the world, who are ignorant about vaccines. I get the impression the FML community is pretty clever / well-informed relative to the general population.

rabid_otaku 29

Don't be under the impression that you have to lean away from religion to accept science, though. I'm an ELCA Lutheran Christian who wants to be a pulmonologist. I believe in evolution and all that stuff, and I am an LGBTQA advocate. I don't care what others believe, so I don't go around trying to convert people. While I agree that most Christians are idiots when it comes to common sense, the Bible can be interpreted in both wonderful and horrible ways. There are some cool Christians out there, but it's hard to tell since it's hard to tell we're religious unless you ask. I believe in God, but not every word of the Bible. The only difference between my view of science and others' view of science is that while others believe in the Big Bang, I believe that God made the Big Bang. ;)

Science and religion can not co-exist. Because God has absolutely no scientific evidence backing it up. If you were a person of science, that would literally go against what you believe. Hell the theory of evolution is one of the most well backed theory's in science, we don't even have a theory on gravity and people still believe in God.

Oh? I suppose that means all scientists are atheists...oh wait

"Science and religion cannot exist" is an inherently dogmatic point of view. Dogma is what we should be fighting in the first place.

Science is a method of thought that accepts what can be proven. This does not mean it rejects what cannot be proven or disproven. Therefore, religion and science can coexist. (Without theory this says science can't prove that God exists or that He doesn't, to use the most basic of religious principles of a monotheistic religion to simplify the use of pronouns). They do not, however, have to coexist.

My god I hate anti-vaccinators. This is why shit like polio and measles is coming back, because of these scientifically illiterate motherfuckers and the conspiracy theorists and TV personalities that prey on their fears. They don't get their kid vaccinated, ruin the herd immunity, and pathogens evolve and attack. Vaccines aren't going to give your baby autism, it's a neurological disorder most likely in utero. It's not going to ******* poison you or make you a walking chemical factory of any of that other dogshit. It's going to ******* make your B cells produce antibodies so you can fight disease and infection. It's sad that this (seeing their kid get sick/die of polio/shingles/measles/dozens of other vaccine-preventable disease) is the only way the anti-vaxxers will learn. Drop the ******* hipster TV and mommy blogs and listen to your damn pediatrician

I, think I love you... Just kidding- but seriously, I come from a hipster paradise and now all of my friends are having babies and I can't talk to them about this. And they are so self righteous and smug about... Until they are home on quarantine because their precious little prince was exposed to the measles.

well, I mean, this isn't knocking random hipsters or anything but so many people are all into 'well it's natural so it's good and the pharmaceuticals and medicine is all bad' and it's just so ******* stupid. Humans are 1 of millions of species of organisms on the earth. the earth doesn't give a **** about us. You can keep your kid outside with no vaccines if you want and watch it get tetanus and measles and every other goddamn thing. and then a lot of states won't do mandatory vaccinations because they are scared of offending parents. **** that. we need to be listening to our doctors rather than the ******* TVs and people who can't even science

This might be the single most intelligent comment on the whole internet. Thank you. That was beautiful. *weep*

Normally I would agree, but OP is 26 and the chickenpox vaccine wasn't available when they were very young, so it's sort of understandable. I'm almost 25 and I didn't get the varicella vaccine, but it wasn't available before I caught the pox anyway. Now, OP could have gotten themself vaccinated as an adult, so it's hard to place blame.

yes, but he would have been 5 when it came out. Do you expect a 5 year old to be able to get vaccines by himself? His parents should have done it to him as soon as it was available, at least to not let him get chicken pox as a kid. But instead, they did nothing, and he got adult shingles

They may not have been informed about the vaccine when it was introduced. Most kids finish their vaccinations before five (at least until 10 or so), so they may have been a little out of the loop. Not sure how they registered him for school later, though... I had to have stuff signed saying I'd already had pox when my school saw I'd never had the vaccine.

FenderM 5

Why didn't you get the vaccination? You're not a minor anymore.

Yet they'll go to the doctor when they get sick instead of praying it away? Pure garbage.

ArmchairAnalyst 9

Your parents are right. God hates you.

Your parents are idiots, but your an adult. You can get a vaccine yourself.