By cdn_steed - 23/04/2011 13:11 - United States

Today, at 5:30 in the morning while I was fast asleep, my cat decided the most threatening thing in my apartment that absolutely needed to be attacked was my left nipple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 971
You deserved it 4 660

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nipples are very dangerous things. Especially left ones. Your cat was just trying to look out for you.


kill that ******* kitty! who gives a **** if it was thirsty? cats suck! literally in this case.

Monkeybutt1 0

Mine does the same to my feet:(

sunshine_today23 0
Paigeyk 3

the cat just wanted to try what it saw other people doing to your nipples!

jessdanceaway 0

This kinda remind me when once my cat was sleeping on my lap I need to stand so I moved it, it got angry and bites the first thing she sees-- my boob

KaskStunter 4

I guess the cat didn't come with the house, you adopted it so ydi.

hey little sparta! haha its a youtube thing