By cdn_steed - 23/04/2011 13:11 - United States

Today, at 5:30 in the morning while I was fast asleep, my cat decided the most threatening thing in my apartment that absolutely needed to be attacked was my left nipple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 971
You deserved it 4 660

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nipples are very dangerous things. Especially left ones. Your cat was just trying to look out for you.


toddlesscott 0

at least you clarified which nipple it was.

thats awesome! one of the funniest fml's ever

maybe you stopped breathing, so the cat got worried and performed sternal rub to check if you were still alive.

What would a dog do instead if your left nipple was threatening it?

does your cat play with your nipples Emily?