By hating labels - 23/10/2012 08:21 - Australia

Today, at breakfast, my sister labelled me a "feminist." My whole family now refuses to talk to me for more than 30 seconds, and acts as though I have an incurable, highly contagious disease. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 938
You deserved it 5 489

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should frame a giant copy of the 19th amendment, just to freak them out.


Come join the sisterhood, OP! We have equal rights, kitty pictures, and free condoms!

notnertyelkcub 1

Your family is afraid of believing in equal rights and pay for women? Scary...

If as a woman you believe women should have any rights at all, you're technically a feminist. And there is nothing wrong with that.

double standard* and i remember my example. You slap a girl everyone will hate you. A girl slaps you then she had reason and everyone applauds her.

I bet that the other half if this story fills in a lot of why that is happening.

My percetion of feminism is that, although not a disease, it is highly incurable, and somewhat contagious. So, not completely wrong.

Or am I thinking strong-willed, and not incurable. And inspiring, and not contagious...?

Pphhhhbbbttt. Nah, that sounds too cheesy to be me. Incurable and contagious it is!

Your family sound like idiots, OP. Acting like feminism is a disease is stupid, backwards behaviour.