By yournick - 31/01/2011 21:23 - Canada

Today, at my job as a cashier, a very old man came through my checkout. His purchase consisted of a box of condoms and a can of whipped cream. The creepy smile he gave me has scarred me for life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 254
You deserved it 4 834

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ah, the joys of being a cashier. Some of the people are just so strange. This one person — not entirely unlike the OP's — came through my line with one pregnancy test and a single coat hanger. I hope it was a practical joke or something, in both of our cases.

MrBoredGuy 1

crazy old men and their sexual needs, surprised he only got one can


Rofl! I get old creeps like that when I'm at work too. xD The compliments they give you send chills down your back. A man grabbed my hand and wouldn't let go. I received a few winks too. -_-

Creepy. I can sympathize though. When I used to work as a cashier, I got this old guy who insisted he buy me a chocolate bar. Because he "does that for all his girlfriends". THAT was awkward, especially since I wasn't actually allowed to accept. Another time some dude bought like two boxes of condoms, a case of energy drinks, and some personal lubricant. That was awkward. Soyeah. Creepy incident. Hope you could keep a straight face.

Reapert21 0

that's happened to me a few times

oh no, an old man buying condoms. how terrible! i guess he forgot he's supposed to stop having sex after the age of 50. and how dare he buy whipped cream. he's not allowed to make ice cream sundays!

oh no, an old man buying condoms. how terrible! i guess he forgot he's supposed to stop having sex after the age of 50. and how dare he buy whipped cream. he's not allowed to make ice cream sundays!

Oh heaven forbid that an elderly man buy condoms and whipped cream. There should be some sort of law banning older people from having sex. You must scarred for life OP. You have my DEEPEST condolences. Not.

Shocked I'm the first to mention this, but if he was buying condoms, it was cus there was a risk of pregnancy, cus honestly why would a 'very' old guy care about stds? Chances are he'll croak soon anyway. So that means he's banging someone, at the most aged 50, and that my friends is the creepy part

meeba 2

condoms can be used for many different things so dont be scared