By yournick - 31/01/2011 21:23 - Canada

Today, at my job as a cashier, a very old man came through my checkout. His purchase consisted of a box of condoms and a can of whipped cream. The creepy smile he gave me has scarred me for life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 254
You deserved it 4 834

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ah, the joys of being a cashier. Some of the people are just so strange. This one person — not entirely unlike the OP's — came through my line with one pregnancy test and a single coat hanger. I hope it was a practical joke or something, in both of our cases.

MrBoredGuy 1

crazy old men and their sexual needs, surprised he only got one can


that was my partner - would you like to join us?

Ahahaha, that's great! All is good until a man comes to your checkout with a self pleasuring penis ring. Yikes!

Darrian_Garrett 0
EarAcheMyEYE10 2

Tell the truth... it was your grandpa wasn't it?! If you were from Alabama... you would of been asked out on a date, so be thankful!

MrBond007_fml 6

dam that was good, I was trying to think of uses other than the obvious for the two items, but I just couldn't get it. you nailed it!!!

Am I the only one here who knows the difference between "scared" and "scarred"? Nobody has pointed it out yet. Scarred for life would mean she got a scar, not that she was afraid, which doesn't make much sense.

You're the only one not getting it actually.

IHeartJimi02 0

Op meant scarred. "Scarred for life" is a very common expression.

#24, do you speak English as a first language? Do you spend your days speaking to people in English, watching TV in English, listening to music in English, and reading English? If your anwswer is "no and yes, respectively", then how could you never have heard the expression "scarred for life", as in emotionally, mentally scarred?