By JRock - 22/02/2009 20:41 - United States

Today, at my softball game, there was one spot left for center field. The coach had to choose between me or the girl who forgot her glasses and was blind without them. He chose her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 912
You deserved it 4 868

Same thing different taste

Top comments

holynemesis1208 3

its only center field don't feel bad.


holynemesis1208 3

its only center field don't feel bad.

You must play like garbage... Get better maybe?

dont feel to bad. maybe he just wanted to play that girl cause she sits out alot

mad_fml 0

oi that sucks. maybe the coach didn't know about the glasses. =]

0 3

She never said she was on the team

Mind=Blown :O Except for it says it's "her" softball game

folks who are blind without their glasses don't forget their glasses

xohkayleigh 0

thats me for surre. lol same thing happened to me yesterday.