By in_hardik - 11/06/2012 01:14 - United States

Today, at my workplace, I saw a system crashing. I mean literally, my manager was throwing my colleague's laptop at him while shouting around the office. This is only my second day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 070
You deserved it 1 877

Same thing different taste

Top comments

egc573 40

That sounds like an episode of the Office. I can totally see Michael Scott doing that to somebody...


U got this coming Ur way buddy......FYL

Kids, this is why you finish high school..

Look-up your legal rights in a work place & sue. Get his money and quit working for a man that has to prove his "ego" thru anger! I'm sure once denounced his place of power he'd be a pussy-ass-bitch! Sorry OP if you just keep working for that pathetic excuse of a man.

nco1414 7

Sounds like a terrific work choice

Gordon Ramsey works in an office now?

doglover100 28

Atleast you don't work for Gordon Ramsey. That man terrifies me with his anger.

xxWTFxx1981 23

Well now you know what happened to the guy you replaced.