By Drew - 26/04/2016 02:21 - United States - Newark

Today, at school, I wore a back brace because I have fractured vertebrae. During first period, a girl tapped me on the back to ask me a question. It made a "knocking on wood" sound. She looked at me like I was a freak. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 301
You deserved it 1 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should've asked her "Wood you knot?" That'll get her to shut up

Might as well make the most of it and loudly state in a monotone voice, "USER #192088X HAS LAUNCHED REQUEST FOR A QUERY."


Well if you like the girl you could always tell her you threw your back out while carpet munching

I think that would only increase the intensity of the look.

msmedieval 11

Were you wearing the brace under your clothes? Because that could explain her bewildered expression. If she didn't know you had one on, you can't blame her for being surprised.

average0123 5

Should've screamed out in agony and caused a scene

You should have turned around slowly. look her right in the eyes then cry loudly, then say "I'm good now, what do you want"

She'll probably forget, but better not jinx it. *knocks on wood*

Just turn around and say "don't worry, I'll be a real boy soon"

I've been there. Once people find out you have one, they never stop knocking on you.

the aluminum monster for those who get the reference

**** her dad ... it's how I deal with my rivals