By I already have one, thanks - 09/08/2014 05:59 - Australia - Mosman

Today, at the bank, some poor bastard got brutally dumped in front of everyone, prompting some total spastic behind me to cough and mockingly say "Loser!" The guy thought I'd said it, and started shoving me around and threatening to tear me a new asshole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 339
You deserved it 3 085

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did his girlfriend dump him for being gay? A man tearing another mans asshole sounds a bit strange.

revan546 24

I believe that would lead to said tearing of a new asshole


Steve95401 49

Maybe the guy didn't like the topless picture his now former girlfriend sent to him.

And you let him push you around? You didn't say it, but if he doesn't want to believe it then that's his problem, doesn't mean you should let him push you around.

Who calls someone a loser for being dumped? Nobody knows his situation or why she dumped him. For all we know, she's just a bitch. But we didn't hear what she said about him, so it's hard to know for sure.

You have only two options, diffuse the situation or sock him in the mouth.

Wrong place wrong time type of thing sorry op

deathfyre8 13

The moment he touched me I would've beat his ass

It would've been an fyl but then you used the 's word' now it's a ydi. I mean, it didn't literally cause this situation but it's still pretty douchey and offensive so yeah...

So, he somehow deserves it simply because he referred to the arse wipe behind him that actually called the guy a loser as a spastic in an FML. I think your logic tree has lost a few branches.

I did JUST say, he obviously didn't literally cause it. As in, one action did not literally deserve the other. =_= I just don't particularly want to sympathise with someone who uses a word like that. I do however wonder if it's perhaps not as offensive in Australia or the US as it is in the UK as I'm surprised more people weren't offended. To me it is on par with the n-word and I'm sure that wouldn't be okay on here.

LtBrenton 16

I personally find mincing around with "the [letter] word" infinitely more offensively irritating than even some of the fruitiest oaths our fine language has to offer.

#43 the 's word', as you put it, is nowhere near as offensive as the 'n word' in australia. but unless you're an asshole or racist, not many people use the 'n word'. we just use spastic to pretty much mean crazy.

44 It bugs me too but I'm just trying not to offend people further. 47 Oh okay, well I've always known it as offensive over here. Like 'retarded' is recognised as an offensive word but still quite commonly used, 'spastic' is like the word that came before and pretty much unheard of nowadays, it's quite arachaic. So it's actually probably less like the n-word and more like saying 'half-caste' or something....offensive and a blast from the past.

Oh well I finally bothered to google it...yeah you're right, regarding the US. For anyone else interested, go on Wikipedia, it clearly explains the difference between the two countries. Kind of interesting. :)

I didn't read the word "got" the first time and was very confused.

the tag is so funny...thanks i already got one...