By Anonymous - 18/09/2015 21:14 - United States - Jonesboro

Today, at the small daycare I run, I turned around to put something away. I heard a splashing sound and then saw one of my kids vomiting. He puked several times, and managed to hit the only rug in the entire house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 506
You deserved it 1 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you throw away the rug, at least the clean up will be easy.

Xquisite1 28

At least the kid doesn't have retched aim. That fact is something that can't be repuked.


Your fault for getting involved with kids. You know the consequences of getting near...//shudders//children.

Surely it's a bonus if he managed to get the rug, at least the carpets don't need cleaning/replacing?

that is a win in my book, dont have to clean, just burn the rug

At least he didn't try to run to the bathroom or something that may have been a huge mess.. Is the rug washable?

I have a dog with the same talent. Laminate flooring everywhere and she always manages it on the rug and no where else.

My dog pukes sometimes, always does it on my $2,500 rug in the same exact spot!

YouThatReadWrong 13
Clover_cove 0

OP here. I should have explained better why this was a fail for me. My entire house is all hardwood, which is easier to scrub puke off of. But my little guy managed to get ever single hurl on our living room rug. You can adore children and still be exasperated at times. Especially with 4 under 3.

I've ran a home daycare for 10 years, I have a boy right now who could go pro in this. One small 5×7 rug with a love seat on it is the ONLY non-wipeable surface the kids have access to and it never fails that this boy (who also loses more bodily fluids than any kid I've ever had) somehow manages to vomit or sneeze or pee or spit or bleed (once, thanks, scraped knee) on the tiny little area. Thankfully, it's a low nap and the love seat is scotch guarded, (over the lovely, irreplacable, vintage print. Sigh. It makes for a nice story time spot) but a towel and clorox wipe is so much easier.

That rug really tied the room together...

That rug really tied the room together. :