By Anonymous - 20/11/2014 16:20 - Canada - Sherbrooke

Today, at work, I put on a smile and went to take an elderly gentleman's order. He looked at me, asked if I'd stick a finger in his sweet tea to make it sweeter, then complained that it was a shame I wasn't "on the menu". FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 279
You deserved it 3 918

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Oh I'm on the menu, sir. You just can't afford me."


C'mon he's just being jokingly flirty. Give him something to smile at.

if he wasn't so old, that would be an awesome pickup line

Goblin182 26

I always get hit in by creepy old men. why can't it be a young attractive one?

Somebody call the fire department that was a third degree BUUUUURRRRN!

ezrajab 22

Damn sorry op I would tell management

what if she felt uncomfortable? how would you feel if you had a daughter and some older guy said that? how would that make you feel?

I find it hilarious that you and idiot baby doll and all your little thumbs up friends missed the fact that I was being sarcastic.

Little creepy...but, maybe take it as a complement that people find you attractive?

Psycho_Babydoll 26

Are you the type of person who also thinks it's a 'compliment' to catcall women in the street?