By Anonymous - 20/11/2014 16:20 - Canada - Sherbrooke

Today, at work, I put on a smile and went to take an elderly gentleman's order. He looked at me, asked if I'd stick a finger in his sweet tea to make it sweeter, then complained that it was a shame I wasn't "on the menu". FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 279
You deserved it 3 918

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Oh I'm on the menu, sir. You just can't afford me."


That's actually kinda sad... Or not. Maybe he's just a lonely old man. With no social skills? I'd say worry about it if he starts coming into your work everyday tryin to get a taste. Lol!

Old people always seem to be able to get away with anything haha lucky bastards

EveningShades 6

just say "you can have more than a finger, in fact, you can have the whole hand!" and then slap him and walk off.

Yes because starting a physical confrontation with someone who said something you don't like at your place of employment always ends well.

What the...? That was a nice compliment. Nothing worth a FML.

Don't you think it's at least a little weird? I wouldn't feel complimented by that, I'd feel creeped out.

cnbcad 15

I can't wait to get old. They get away with anything

creepy but u may take it as a rare compliment

agentdarkbooty4 8

Thats not creepy, he's just hitting on you, why the FML?