By Anonymous - 20/11/2014 16:20 - Canada - Sherbrooke

Today, at work, I put on a smile and went to take an elderly gentleman's order. He looked at me, asked if I'd stick a finger in his sweet tea to make it sweeter, then complained that it was a shame I wasn't "on the menu". FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 279
You deserved it 3 918

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Oh I'm on the menu, sir. You just can't afford me."


quarterbird 18

Though his delivery may have been "dirty old man"-ish... An elderly person making TWO complimentary or flirtatious remarks is hardly FML worthy.

I think he was just trying to be nice. YDI for being so sweet x) but seriously, if it creeped you out, it's an FML, it sucks to be creeped out.

That's just a typical old man. I used to work on a hometown restaurant and we used to have a lot of those.

The tea comment was really just old people being cute imo, but you not being on the menu was a bit far...

I don't understand how this is a fml, sure it's a little creepy, but nothing that would completely ruin a day or embarrass you.

I sorta want to see a picture of you now...

you should have put on some clothes to go with the smile.

CydH 8

haha elderly people give the best compliments