By hitintheeye - 26/11/2011 15:09 - Canada

Today, before my girlfriend gave me a blow job, she put on goggles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 607
You deserved it 17 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LeoF_fml 0

Haha, too big of a load to handle?


That means you blow a huge load. Be happy with that, OP.

She probably heard of the girl who got a black eye from one and she didn't want the same to happen

callmesillyxxx 1

ha ha ha , all good i had a girl right b4 we were supposed too hook up ask me if i brought latex gloves as well

That's awesome. If you think this is a FML for you, just dump her and pick up some big hairy guy named "Bert" at a gay biker bar.

just in case the load was super thick!!! lol,like mine