By hitintheeye - 26/11/2011 15:09 - Canada

Today, before my girlfriend gave me a blow job, she put on goggles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 609
You deserved it 17 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LeoF_fml 0

Haha, too big of a load to handle?


fromoverthere 7

I guess she... *puts on sunglasses* saw it cumming YEEEAAAAAHHHHH

Nikelopez 11

I'd rather sleep by my girl instead of with her.

She's ready for her facial, just doesn't want it in her eyes. Treat her like the **** star she wants to be. Quit bitchin'.

raulmartinez1988 0

Some severe bloodshot eyes can come out of that activity...

aylortay425 1

of cours no one want to go blind cause of cum