By OhNo - 02/03/2013 13:31 - United States - Castlewood
Same thing different taste
By apparentlynotengaged - 04/07/2019 11:00 - Ireland - Dublin
By Anonymous - 09/03/2013 17:42 - Pakistan
Long secret
By Cam - 14/01/2020 05:00 - Sri Lanka - Colombo
Plot twist
By Anonymous - 05/11/2012 11:36 - United States
By Marcella - 24/10/2009 04:49 - United States
Thanks Dad
By Anonymous - 07/09/2018 03:00 - United States - Anchorage
By John - 07/11/2009 21:45 - United States
By Potential Bridezilla - 10/08/2011 07:18 - United Arab Emirates
Seething jealousy
By Anonymous - 07/06/2016 01:04
Cash dispenser
By Anonymous - 19/06/2020 20:08
Top comments
Red flag. Dump her.
I'm sorry, two years and already getting married and having a daughter? 'Murica
Am I the only one that finds 2 years a way to short period of time to have a child and get married with someone? Honestly, I find that ridiculously short. And then just add the 'I don't know her parents yet', that makes it worse.
For a couple like this.. 10 years is to short!! However, I married my husband 1 year and 2 weeks after meeting him, gave birth to our first son 2 years later and have been extremely happy for 14 years. My friend married her husband after being together for 8 years, and divorced within 5 years of marriage. Time isn't the issue.. It's who you choose.
Well that's great for you, but way to many couples get married to soon and have children to soon and then break up and leave a child to divorced parents and a lot of bullcrap the child doesn't need in it's life. And that's why I don't like it. Exceptions are always there, but I believe you can reduce the chance of things like this happening by being together for a longer time before you decide on big issue's like marriage and children.
I believe people can date for years And not be happily married. If its meant to be its meant to be. People get married after knowing each other for months and have happy relationships. These people are not marriage material.
Yeah... Sure there are enough single parents who do a great job. But that still doesn't mean children don't get hurt from divorce. I know so goddamn many people who got hurt by this, or who have a father that is never there. Shit like that could've been prevented. I also know a couple who now have a 1 year old child and have been together for 4 years. So, they were together 3 years when they got the baby. They broke up one week after the baby's 1st birthday. Don't tell me you know a person 100% when you've been together for only 2 years. I've been together with my boyfriend for over 2 years now and I'm still learning things about him. We are developing together through big life things, like moving in together and growing up. These are all tests on our relationship and I'm pretty sure there are more to come. Everyone believes that they found the right partner, but you cannot predict the future. As much as I like to believe I will stay with my current boyfriend for the rest of my live, I know I cannot be certain of this. But as the years pass by I become more certain.
Normally I'd agree. but I married my husband after being together 9 months and fell pregnant straight after. it helped I'd known him for 17 years before that though
wow and your have a daughter, I would love to hear the bullshit reason not to tell her parents
I can think of many, many legitimate reasons not to inform the parents about her personal affairs. I cannot, however, think of any excuse for her partner not being fully informed of what that reason is.
how do they not know about the daughter? wtf?
Maybe she is scared of her parents or doesn't have a good relationship with them and doesn't want them in her life. OP didn't indicate whether he has asked why she won't tell them.
We really need more info. There are so many whys???? Please don't marry her if she isn't the love of your life.
Why is everyone assuming the fiancée is evil? Maybe she doesn't want her parents involved in her life at all. Maybe she feels they are not worthy of being able to know information about her life for a variety of reasons. Especially if her parents don't know she has a child I would assume she doesn't talk to them or see them at all or else it would be hard to hide. So maybe ASK her about it. You know communication? That thing that is required for relationships to work?
I actually had to create an account solely because of this post, or more so the comments. What would all of you say if it was the male that was doing this? Would everyone be standing up for him the same way? No no
There's quite a bit of truth there, people need to remind themselves there's always another side to each story.
How can they not know about your daughter?
There's only two explanations, her parents are super religious and strict or they're Scientologists, I'd go with the latter.