By Anonymous - 21/04/2009 22:04 - United States

Today, due to the cold, windy weather, I decided to wear my brand-new cute (and expensive) jacket that has a faux-fur hood. As I walked down the street, numerous PETA members attacked me with red liquid. I'm a Vegan and an animal-rights activist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 946
You deserved it 25 025

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KeithHarris 0

Serves you right for wearing fake animals. Next time wear the real thing so you'll at least deserve getting pelted with fake animal blood. :-D PETA members are dicks.

whats with the red liquids lately? well, PETA is a bit extreme, but they shouldn't be going around bombarding people with red liquids!


to #19 The fact of the matter is, people wont know it's fake. The fake fur will still support the idea that wearing fur is cool because it looks good. It's like joining an anti-smoking campaign, but walking around with a cigarette in your mouth because it looks cool. You aren't actually smoking it, but giving the appearance you are to look cool. You're still supporting the idea of it with a fake version by admitting it's something desirable. You might not intend for that to be the result, but it still happens.

PETA is a group of hypocritical, animal-murdering, scumbag bullies. Just so we're all clear.

You deserved it, being a vegan and animal rights activists, you should not push into the fashion of wearing fur, even when it's not real. I agree wth 43 Anyway PETA, like said 44, are a bunch of assholes, they euthanase 2/3 of the animals they "save" from being euthanasied.. besides, being type 1 diabetic (you know, when you have to shoot yourself insulin.. you know, insulin developed by medical labs.. ) and saying "i'm not an hypocrit, i need my life to fight for the animals" and burning down the SAME LABS that help developed your threatment... And you know who said that ? the number 2 at PETA...

from what i have read and what they have admited to, wouldnt peta be classified as a terrorist organisation?? maybe the only reason they are "protected" is because of the hollywood retards who suport them just to make themselfs look good. im a animal lover but they are just retards

quesoesbueno59 0

This is why I despise PETA. Along with the vegan thing.

I call BS. Because "numerous PETA activists" just happen to carry around red liquid regularly. I thought that sort of thing was reserved only for pro-fur fashion events? Do most PETA members carry around a bottle filled with red liquid to throw at anyone they see in fur?

I'm suprised they even had time to do this ... usually they're too busy euthanising animals they've "rescued"..

that's only a proof Y'all so ******* stupid....your teeth were designed to eat me, so was your stop goin against nature....YFDI

you, sir, just made yourself sound like an idiot.

no its true to an extent. Humans are omnivores (plant AND meat eaters) and that is why i eat meat. sure i oppose the ways they are treated but i enjoy eating meat so i will continue to do so. i will not starve myself by eating things i do not enjoy but that doesn't mean i won't step in to stop the companies that treat those animals wrong. You can eat organic meat which is treated a lot better than non organic meat. You don't have to completely stop eating meat to stand against animal cruelty.

#1 why would animal rights activists oppose FAKE fur