By sicktomystomach - 02/05/2009 17:05 - United States

Today, during lunch at school, a wave of nausea came over me. I ran to the bathroom and made it just in time. As I was throwing up, I set off the toilet's automatic flush and my vomit came flying back into my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 704
You deserved it 5 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

acid_fml 0

>.< I would have puked more!

@4 and 8, a lot of these take a couple days to get through the screening. @ OP, if the toilet was flushing how could it spray back up? usually when you flush the stuff goes down not up....


Dude I hate automatic toliets before i can even wipe that sheet goes off.

EW, that is so nasty.. I would probably have puked more.. I guess I'm kinda lucky my school is old and was built in like, the 60's and that they didn't make anything that advanced back then. Haha. I actually hate automatic flush toilets, they always flush while you're sitting on them and it's like WTF, I'm not done yet haha. I don't mind ones that have motion sensors like when you're opening the door or w/e, but ones that go every 15 seconds or something piss me off. Still tho. FYL, that's gross.

squeaksx24 0

Oh man! That is horrible!

You deserve it for having nausea in the first place.

asdfghjklEMMA 0

This is either fake or you didn't enter it the day it happened because the date you wrote this was May 2nd which is a Saturday. No one has school on Saturdays. FAIL.

Singularity_fml 0

#103 All FML's require "Today," at the beginning, so it's not the OP's fault.

some people are people are really unobservant. when the toilet flushes, because of the strong currant the water goes, some drops of water may spray UP while the water is whirling DOWN.