By Anonymous - 01/01/2013 07:50 - Australia - Sydney

Today, during the countdown to midnight, I looked for my girlfriend so I could kiss her as 2013 began. I found her just in time to see her making out with some guy she swore was "only a friend." FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 965
You deserved it 3 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your resolution for 2013: find a girlfriend who truly deserves you.

perdix 29

May auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind. That's Scottish for "Dump that ho!"


jem970 19

Dump her and tell her if she tries to use the "I was drunk baby!" bit to go **** herself. You deserve better.

karlee333 11

This is actually a great start to the new year, OP. As bad as if may seem now, you'll be thankful that you caught her cheating ass when you did. New year, new relationships (: good luck!

zombieslayer83 19

In that case Op should do it back! But make sure she sees it!

wlddog 14

Of course they do. Why wouldn't you want to bring your best to those you actually love?

So.. I'm not best in bed so I better practice with all these girls for my girlfriend!:D

I never say this but...dump the ho! No one should ever do that shit on New Years to their BF/GF! Never!

Inheritance 10

I do believe if they have a boyfriend/girlfriend they should not practice with other people.

Well, if she did that in front of you in plain sight, means she probably didn't even care whether you saw or not. Don't buy any excuse and don't waste any more time or effort on that horrible girl. I'm just sorry she ruined New Year's for you...

xsarax_fml 10

aww well now you can start a whole new year with a clean slate with someone new :)