By Anonymous - 01/01/2013 07:50 - Australia - Sydney

Today, during the countdown to midnight, I looked for my girlfriend so I could kiss her as 2013 began. I found her just in time to see her making out with some guy she swore was "only a friend." FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 965
You deserved it 3 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your resolution for 2013: find a girlfriend who truly deserves you.

perdix 29

May auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind. That's Scottish for "Dump that ho!"


Making out is fun. Making out with your friends, even better. Get over yourself.

rightspark 7

Tough luck its better to find out sooner now rather than later

Damn she has the kind of friend zone most guys wish they could find!

That's definitely not cool. Dude, dump her ASAP.

Dump her cheating ass your better without her

Then you should start the new year by dumping her because obviously don't deserve you and once your heart heals find a girlfriend that does deserve you and all you have to offer.

You should act like nothing is wrong, have sex with her one more time and really just give it to her better than you ever have before. Then as soon as you both climax get up and leave her and say "there, now he can have you"... Get with one of her friends and masks sure she find out.

"make sure" my fault, sometimes I hate swype.

But make sure you use a condom. Because who know how long her cheating has been going on. ps, I'm sorry for this shitty ending to your year. Keep a positive outlook for 2013