By Anonymous - 01/01/2013 07:50 - Australia - Sydney

Today, during the countdown to midnight, I looked for my girlfriend so I could kiss her as 2013 began. I found her just in time to see her making out with some guy she swore was "only a friend." FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 965
You deserved it 3 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your resolution for 2013: find a girlfriend who truly deserves you.

perdix 29

May auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind. That's Scottish for "Dump that ho!"


New years resolution: dump that bitch and move on.

Oh darn. What a start for the new year /:

My girlfriend once had me take a picture of her and her friend, when they were kissing.

New girlfriend, you deserve better(:

Oh baby, You. . . you got what I need but you say he's just a friend but you say he's just a friend

apparently her resolution was to tell you it's over, but her mouth was doing other things.

he's her friend she swaps spit with, big deal? ha! get rid of that Ho before you find out they are ****** too

I think that 99% of the time that a bf/gf says that they are "just a friend" there is always some underlining feelings towards them... sorry about your luck op :( there are PLENTY of other fish in the sea who wouldn't do that to you, time for some fishing!

You are supposed to Kiss at midnight to bring continued bliss to your relationship through the new year. Hope she is happy with her friend. You will be now that another false start has been eliminated. Find someone you can kiss on 1/1/2014.

Well look at it this way new year new girlfriend cheaters are so 2012 :)