By Username - 05/08/2011 19:06 - United States

Today, even though I made the point of tanning naked, I still got tan lines thanks to my fat rolls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 082
You deserved it 45 433

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Most of you guys are ******* assholes. Geeze. I'd love to see what everyone would say about YOUR imperfections hidden behind the anonymity of the Internet. **** off.

kelsey_katie 17

Not nessicarliy fat. Perhaps, chubby, but not fat. All you Giuseppe have done is bag in poor OP. OP- I'm sorry. People are complete douchenozzles these days, and you don't deserve this crap.

sexxme 9

I think that's a sign, that you need to shed a few pounds. But hey, if snooki can do it, so can you

OP, I'm sorry there seem to be such awful people commenting. Don't worry, they're probably 12 year old boys who will never see a naked woman, skinny or not.

lose some ******* weight before you tan naked

fricknugget 3

why bother about your weight when you are probably going to give yourself a melanoma by tanning yourself.

go lose weight fatty. nobody will even want to look at that tan if u look like a house.

maybe u can loft the rolls up and sell all the cheese that is growing there.

ReynshineCutting 10

It's not always a health condition that prevents people from losing weight. Genetics play a huge role. There is a gene that makes you more likely to be fatter than normal (I need to look up the name of it) and no matter what you do you can't lose all the weight. I'm like my grandma and my dad. We're all bigger. No matter what we do, we can't lose more than a certain amount of weight. So it's not just health problems or overeating that causes people to be bigger. Ba genetics affect it a ton.

djnj13 0

Why don't you find something better to do than make fun of others!

im srry but i have no sympathy for fat asses!! unless u have a health condition that causes it....shut the **** up and do sumthin bout it