By Bethany - 20/05/2016 19:31 - Germany

By Bethany - 20/05/2016 19:31 - Germany
If he can't respect a single wish he's not worth keeping around
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Show it anywayCatholic here. I disagree and most Catholics I know would disagree, too.
@44 Yes, because you've dated "plenty" of Catholics, you are well-qualified to inform people of what most of the hundreds of millions of Catholics in the world are like. Sheesh.
That's not even the point here. The point is that THIS Catholic girl's boyfriend is being an asshole about HER choice. By the way, shut the hell up. I'm a lapsed Catholic (and a virgin, but more by circumstance than by choice) and I may talk shit about Catholicism sometimes but that doesn't mean I'll suffer anyone else doing it.
Talk to him OP if you really care about him, but if he refuses to listen and keeps going, dump his ass. He sounds like a douche.
I highly doubt talking to him will help. With my first boyfriend when I was 16 I didn't want to have sex with him. I wasn't saving it for marriage but for when I was in love. He ended up threatening to break up with me if I didn't have sex with him and me being insecure I did it. Some people need to have sex in a relationship before settling down, and that's OK. It's okay to wait, too. And if he can't respect that, kick him to the curb. The fact that he also referred to religious girls as "slutty" shows he has NO respect for women and only cares about his dick. Please don't give into him, OP.
Well we actually don't know if he referred to them as "slutty". OP only put quotes around the word "religious", so it's possible that her boyfriend isn't actually a huge douchebag, but rather that OP is just really pissed.
Even if he didn't call them slutty, he still is a HUGE douchebag for acting like the OP is obligated to have sex with him.
why were you with the guy in the first place if you didn't love him? you only want sex when you love the other person, but you're okay with being in a relationship with someone you don't love? sounds really strange to me :S
Yeah, I actually read that like she's calling girls who have sex before marriage slutty and not actually religious.
#133, love doesn't just punch you in the face on the first day you start dating. You have to be with someone and get to know them and THEN you can decide you don't love them and want to break up, or you love them and want to move forward.
It doesn't mean he doesn't respect women. He said those particular women were slutty, which I guess is fair enough.
If he thought you were just playing hard to get, you need to explicitly tell him that it isn't an act, and that he should respect your wishes.
The idea of "playing hard to get" should just die already. Too many guys do not take no for an answer because they're convinced every girl is playing hard to get.
Not worth the hassle OP, ditch his ass as soon as you can :(
He sounds like a jackass that doesn't respect your wishes. I definitely would not put up with that for long.
You deserve the like.
I can't vouch for that, but at my Catholic HS the girls that were the most sheltered and outwardly religious were the ones that we would hear about getting knocked up or expelled for getting caught with a guy in the bathroom. Probably more likely that it was the sheltered part that pushes them to do that.
Can't vouch for the BJs, but I do admit that it were the most religious and devout girls that got pregnant the most...we kind of speculated if it was because of the anti-protection thing they had...
well if they got pregnant then they weren't really "religious"
48, getting pregnant has nothing to do with religion. You can be Catholic and still have sex before marriage. It doesn't make you any less Catholic/religious. And those who are religious and are taught to have the belief that you should wait until marriage, but have sex before marriage anyway, know that God still loves them and will never judge them and would forgive them, no matter what. I'm not religious in the slightest but, if attending a Catholic school from kindergarten to sixth grade has taught me anything, it's taught me that.
#84 Getting pregnant and being extremely religious can be related. If you shelter someone too much as a lot of Catholics tend to do, it's highly possible that they will do extreme things when they have a little freedom. I have personal experience in this. I dropped out of school at 18 and got into drugs for quite a while, got married and pregnant at 19 and divorced at 20.
118, I see your point and understand that - it's definitely true, especially if they're only being taught about abstinence and nothing else about sex/protection. For clarification, in regards to 48's statement, I meant that having sex/getting pregnant as a teen/before marriage when you're religious doesn't make you any less religious. I meant that having sex and getting pregnant has no affect on how religious you are. You can have pre-marital sex and still consider yourself/still be Catholic. That's mainly the point I was trying to make, not that they're not related in the sense you stated. :)
Tell him to go find another "slutty religious" girl if sex is all he's looking for.
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Show it anywayWell if devout religious people are the most "judgmental", I'd say you must be the most pious of them all.
buddy, i dont disagree with what youre saying but not the time man. Shes talking about her boyfriend disrespecting her values and demanding her virginity, its not the time to debate the pros and cons of religious fervor.
That's a funny thing to think. I'm not even religious. I just have some culture. Had OP claimed to be a good muslim while he said some bullshit contrary to islam, I would have replied all the same.
kittiycow: I totally understand OP's problem. But does she have to be so nasty about the other girls that the boyfriend eventually managed to seduce? My cousin ****** a girl who stayed a virgin till 29. They had been together over a year, he finally managed to win her over. Then she regretted and broke up. Is she a ****? After living sex-free for so long and finally having a moment of weakness? That's a harsh thing to say, don't you think? I'm saying: How can she judge people she doesn't even know?
buddy, you made it very clear in your first post you were a katana wielding atheist...
So this girl has her boyfriend disrespecting and pressuring her into sex, and you choose to criticize HER, just cause she's religious and isn't following the "rules" exactly (which by the way is pretty much impossible)? What is wrong with you? I'm an atheist, and highly critical of religion, but honestly, not the ******* time. You criticize her for being judgemental, but you didn't even mention her boyfriend judging and getting angry at her for not having sex with him. Your obsession with criticizing religion clouded you from seeing the actual problem here. It doesn't matter where she got the views of preserving her virginity, or what the Pope has said about sexual desire, the point is she doesn't want to have sex and that is it, so her bf should not be pressuring her and is the one that needs to be criticized. Also, ever think that the term "slutty" in the post was her restating what her boyfriend said? If someone's religious views aren't hurting anyone, which here they aren't, just leave them alone.
I understand not liking the word 'slutty' as an insult so fair enough on that, and putting 'religious' in quotation marks could mean she is questioning their devotion, but I think it is just as likely that she put it in question marks because her bf used them when he talked about someone being religious.
lmao, iv gotta remember that one.
I know everyone already corrected you but I have to as well because you're an idiot. She said "slutty 'religious' girls he claimed to have ******" I could be wrong but I read that as her boyfriend called them slutty, not her. I'm against **** shaming and even if OP did **** shame now is not the time to lecture her.
From the quotes it sounds like the boyfriend said the, "slutty religious girls" remark. As for the Pope's comments: Catholics don't always follow everything he says. Some are more devout than others and some only go on holidays and feast days. Then you have lapsed Catholics that don't participate in the faith, but still have certain traditions they keep. And the boyfriend was pressuring her into sex. That's shitty and the fact that he put don't other girls to do so makes it even worse. You can have a relationship with God and still be promiscuous. I think about sex 24/7 and I have been reassured that Jesus still loves me because I work hard at being a good person.
Sexual desire is ok within the confines of marriage. There is nothing wrong with sex and sexual desire in marriage
Jesus still loves you despite your sins. Trying to be a good person isn't where His love comes from. It comes from his grace and mercy.
Sexual desire is ok anytime, no matter what your relationship status. As long as you aren't making anyone uncomfortable with your sexual desire, or pressuring anyone into sex, then it's perfectly acceptable. Sex and sexual desires are fine and completely natural outside of marriage. There is nothing wrong with having premarital sex, obtaining what is essentially just a relationship contract and a ceremony does not validate the ability to have sex. However, it's perfectly fine to wait until marriage if that's what you want.
#65 I believe God would still love you no matter what you did or didn't do. At church we were taught that being good people would not save us, but believing in Jesus would save us, and we would try to do good things because we believe in Jesus. ' And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[b] neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. 39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.' Romans 8.38-39 :)
I got the impression that, judging by the boyfriends behaviour, it may well have been his words, not OP's.
People are idiots? Don't know, it should really be top comment.
Yeah, I'd get rid of him.
If he can't respect a single wish he's not worth keeping around
I wonder if he puts that on his rèsumè...